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Core Values

1. Loyalty
We are built on loyalty. Loyalty to each other, loyalty to our neighbors, and loyalty to doing the right thing.
2. Have Integrity
No matter how educated, talented, rich or cool we think we are… how we treat people ultimately tells all.
3. Earn trust
Trust is one of the biggest components to our founding. The trust in ourselves to take a leap, trusting that we’ll do our very best each and every opportunity.
4. Think big
What we think and tell ourselves is our reality. Therefore it is our mission to think bigger than ourselves and set goals that are daunting to the normal mind. No one changed the world by telling themselves to think small.
5. Take ownership
Every second is a new opportunity. Every opportunity is a new decision. To create an unwavering environment, we understand that each decision and action is on us. If we grow or fall is on us. Therefore we take ownership in our life and business.
6. Create change
We want to leave the world better than we found it. We will do this by creating change in the world each and every day.
7. Challenge the status quo
What got us this far won’t get us to where we want to go. The way we will do this is challenging the status quo. Tell us it can’t be done, it's our mission to change the world for good.
8. Learn and be curious
We believe that our gas tank is either gaining fuel or losing fuel. The way we put fuel in our tank is to learn and ask questions. Learning will grow us as people, will grow our company and grow our world.
9. Build Positive Relationships
People are the bloodline of our company. We want to deliver smiles on every person we come across. Building relationships will lead to a great community for everyone to thrive in.
10. Exceed Expectations
Everybody has expectations…. Our goal is to change your expectations for every encounter you have each day. If we’re not setting the bar on what a good encounter should be then we’re failing.
11. Be Uncomfortable
Growth comes from being uncomfortable. In the gym your muscles grow whenever they are uncomfortable. In social settings we grow as communicators when we communicate. We want to leave our comfortable box and grow as people.
12. Believe
Above all else is belief. We will get where we are going with a little hard work and a lot of belief. Belief in each other and our culture is the foundation of this company.
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